People who are looking for self employment ideas with low start can find a lot of opportunities in many places. They simply need to have some information on how to begin and gather all their knowledge to reach out to the people who will be most interested in their line of business.Coaching is one of the best self employment ideas that has low start up cost. If you’ve always been interested in sports and know a sport inside out, then why not try out being a sports coach? You can coach your neighborhood kids or a local sports club. Or get into coaching a school team if you can manage that.If you like to write and have a flair for language and enjoy creative writing as a pastime, you can turn this into a lucrative career for yourself. Do some freelance writing for a local newspaper or magazine or even write articles or a blog about things you like. This is also one of the best self employment ideas with low start, as you’ll be happy with your job and will get paid for something that you enjoy doing.Online trading is a great idea. The goal is to offer an item and then trade it for something of higher value. People can also try the online buy and sell business. They can put up one or more items for sale on social networking sites and free marketplaces on the internet and then once they get the profits, look for more items to buy and sell online. It’s good to have an eye for things that will eventually increase in value over the next few weeks. Self employment ideas with low start usually involve businesses that are service related.People can offer plumbing services, auto repair services, electrical services, cleaning services, and other professional services at a certain fee. Contractual jobs will render a large amount of income. It will be better to supplement these ideas with a great marketing campaign so that customer demand will grow and the business will also result to extra income and increased reputation for the business owner. Individuals can also try to setup their own website and focus on a particular niche. For example, some people setup a website that offers home cleaning and maintenance services. Aside from the offered services, they also sell home cleaning kits and items and provide articles and good content for people to keep referring back to.